Saturday, September 24, 2011


Well on our way now, after an interesting and fun orientation.  There are 44 of us, each just as excited and nervous as I am, most with the same anxieties--will we learn the language, will we like the food (and gain too much weight), will we remain healthy, will we be competent in our jobs and other assignments???  And many aspirations too--of making new friends, learning a new culture, learning much about ourselves as human beings.  This is an adventure with many potential rewards--for hopefully others, but also for ourselves!  Can't wait!
Our orientation was in King of Prussia, PA, near Valley Forge; the bus ride to JFK in New York was rainy, so we didn't see too much, but while driving down a residential street in Brooklyn, I'm sure I saw what looked like Archie Bunker's house!  Now in the airport in Istanbul, after a nice 10-hour flight from New York.  The skyline of Istanbul is impressive, with all the minarets piercing the heavens.  Hope to get back here to see the city, but for now am anxiously awaiting the flight to Baku!  Here I come!!!!!

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